OUK: From crater to glass
We launched our first gins and akvavit as recently as December of 2023. But in jest, we say OUK Distillery has the oldest product line in the world. Our story begins 455 million years ago, when a giant meteorite hit Hiiumaa, making pure groundwater from the deepest layers of Earth accessible. It is called artesian water - a key ingredient in all OUK Distillery products. And now, each sip of OUK has the origin of this extraordinary cosmic event.

As a small batch distillery from a rural island, we knew from the go our niche is a gin that packs personality. The recipe includes lavender, rhubarb and primula veris, also known as cowslip, all picked from inside the meteorite crater. After all, every sip is a continuation of the story that began 455 million years ago. Ideally savoured with an Indian tonic and plenty of ice. Best Estonian London Dry Gin 2024.
OUK Hiiumaa Akvavit is our crown jewel. The taste profile is balanced with a generous character framed by oak ageing. The novelty of Estonian akvavit made with pure artesian water enabled by a giant meteorite guarantees discussion around any dinner party. The sophisticated blend including caraway seeds, orange zest and lilac, is ideally savoured neat or, for a unique twist on a classic G&T, allows you to fall in love with it as a cocktail mixed with an Indian tonic and plenty of ice. OUK is the first dedicated akvavit distillery in Estonia. Category winner "Best Estonian Drink 2024".
Crafted at the same latitude as its 59.01% alcohol content, this impressively smooth, floral and herbaceous gin introduces another celestial dimension to your cocktails. The name of the gin comes from the history of the British Navy, which stored gin next to gunpowder and wanted to ensure that if it spilt, the gunpowder would still ignite. As each batch is meticulously prepared in our seaside distillery, it is ideal for adventurous mixology or a hearty gin and tonic that matches the elements. Bronze medal in "Best Estonian Drink 2024" competition.
Alright, gin everyone knows, but what is akvavit?
Akvaviti valmistatakse täpselt nagu džinni, kuid on ehedalt skandinaaviapärane. OUK Hiiumaa akvaviti keskne maitse tuleneb köömnetest, mis annavad sellele ainulaadse vürtsika magususe. Traditsiooniliselt Rootsis, Norras ja Taanis puhtalt nauditud akvavit inspireerib tänu värskele ja nüansirikkale maitseprofiilile miksolooge kogu maailmas New Yorgist Hiiumaani, sageli tuues innovatsiooni klassikalistesse kokteilidesse nagu negroni või sazerac.
OUK Distillery is proud to be the only specialist akvavit distillery in Estonia.
Crafted from a meteorite crater for a truly otherworldly taste
The story of OUK Distillery
A long, long time ago, in the summer of 2020, founders Viktor and Henri were discussing the economy of Hiiumaa. They were inspired by the long history of whiskey producers in Scotland, who have not been bothered by wind, storms, or a low population density from becoming the global best in their category. After philosophising, they decided there were enough talkers; only the execution mattered.
So, they started a gin distillery in Hiiumaa. What followed was the introduction to a whole new universe of byrocracy, a global glass shortage, endless debates over recipe development, finding and furnishing factory premises, and finally, even a pivot from a gin maker to an Estonian first dedicated akvavit distillery.
In December 2023, the first three historical OUK Distillery products were finally launched. One might say three years is a long time from idea to product. But then again – our products have been in the making for 455 million years. OUK Distillery means building a legacy, and as such, time has a whole other perspective.

Henri vastutab müügi ja kõige muu eest, mis on seotud turunduse, bürokraatia ja regulatsioonidega, mille keskmes üks maapiirkonna väiketootja peab pidevalt navigeerima. Õnneks on tal huvikaitse taust riigi suurimatest ettevõttest, mis aitab.

Viktor creates the taste experiences we bottle. OUK’s head distiller. As a “side hustle”, one of Estonia’s most respected molinologists – the craftsman who restores and builds traditional windmills.
Meilt nõutakse LEADERile viitamist, kuid see tuleb südamest: suured tänud LEADERile ja Hiidlaste Koostöökogule, sest olete andnud hoogu OUK Distillery teekonnale – maailma ainsale meteoriidikraatris asuvale destilleerimisvabrikule. Teie toetus on aidanud meil luua jooke, mis sünnivad minevikust, kõnetavad tänast ja kajavad homsesse. Terviseks!

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